attraction list home attraction list 画像提供:Yomiuri Land realtimewait time past congestioncalendar expected congestioncalendar today's congestion attractionlist wait timegraph attractionranking allattraction coaster Rain resistant with children name price height regulation age regulation option※ Fight Ippatsu! 500Yen 105cm~ Bandit 1000Yen 120cm~ Lipovitan Rocket☆Luna 1000Yen 110cm~ Spin Runway 1000Yen 110cm~ 4 age~ Wandit 400Yen 90cm~ 3 age~ My Racing 400Yen 90cm~ Custom Garage 1000Yen 90cm~ Campus Challenge 800Yen Splash U.F.O. 1000Yen 110cm~ U.F.O. Bump! 400Yen 115cm~ My knit 300Yen Guru Guru Drive 300Yen 90cm~ 3 age~ Merry-Go-Land Dog 300Yen Sky Patrol 600Yen Frog Hopper 300Yen 90cm~ 3 age~ Hashibiro GO! 600Yen 120cm~ ― crazy stone 600Yen 130cm~ Bungee Jump 1200Yen 12 age~ Giant Sky River 700Yen 5cm~ Milky Way 400Yen 100cm~ SeaChicken Go! 400Yen 90cm~ Haunted House 400Yen Miracle Wan Room 300Yen 90cm~ 3 age~ Looping Starship 600Yen 120cm~ ev-Grand Prix 1000Yen 90cm~ 3 age~ Spin Drive 300Yen 2 age~ A Game of Skill: 'Tama Goro' 400Yen 3 age~ Kadokeshi Tram 300Yen 2 age~ Pencil Tower 400Yen 110cm~ Kuru Kuru Compass 400Yen 90cm~ Ptera Cycle 300Yen Jurassic Car 300Yen Go-kart Family Course 400Yen 90cm~ 3 age~ Go-Kart Single Circuit Course 400Yen 130cm~ Dessert Cup 300Yen Giant Ferris Wheel 800Yen Kids Fire Fighter 'Kesshippi' 300Yen Kids Railway 'Oliver' free Animal Rescue 500Yen gondola sky shuttle 500Yen ― fashion lab 600Yen ― Lipovitan Lab 400Yen ― driving lab 900Yen ― Hero Training Center 'Mission8' free ― ― Crazy Hyuuuu/Crazy Stooon free ― ― My U.F.O. Factory free ― ― Hirame Kids free ― ― splash bandit free ― ― Sea lion show backyard experience free ― ― ミルキーウェイ ペアシート free ― ― ミルキーウェイ(シングルシート) free ― ― Sky-Go-LAND free ― ― ミルキーウェイ(ペアシート) free ― ― ミルキーウェイ シングルシート free ― ― ぶんぶんスイング free ― ―